4 Reasons Why Hot Water Heater Is Leaking From The Overflow Pipe

Some leakages from the water heater might snowball into a big problem. Aside from bringing on water damage in the sections surrounding the water heater, a water leak is symptomatic of some more severe issues with your water heater. In this article, we will discuss several possible reasons why a water heater starts to leak from the overflow pipe.
What is an Overflow Pipe
A pressure temperature relief valve performs precisely what the phrase implies: relieves pressure and temperature from the water heater. Supposing the internal compression within your warm water heater exceeds or reaches 150 pounds per square inch, or supposing temperature levels of the water exceed 210 degrees Fahrenheit, temperature levels or pressure relief valves begin opening.
Once it starts to open, warm water flows through the water heating valves or into the pressure and temperature valve relief drainpipes. The outpouring of water stops the water heater from bursting owing to heightened temperature and pressure. Given such potential issues, it’s essential that one continually ensures the smooth functioning of pressure and temperature relief valves.
What about Leaks?
It’s necessary to grasp that some leaks from your water heater may hold multiple diverse origins. Sometimes, what appears to leak from condensation gradually swells about your warm water heater owing to the icy-water channeling valves.
Once you observe such conditions, it’s usually symptomatic of little more than tepid air. Though you must place some towels about the water heater to stop water leaks, you probably won’t require repairs from Water Heating Direct. Below are several of the viral sources of leaks.
Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve
The seals in such relief valves may gradually erode, bringing about leaks from water heaters. Given their essential functions in controlling pressure, the relief valves are placed under high levels of strain or stress, implying they might have to be replaced as frequently as each 3 to 5 years.
Certainly considered, leaks from your pressure and temperature relief valves might reveal more severe issues of excessive temperature or pressure into your water heaters. Though the potential sources of such circumstances may be reviewed eventually within our article, one should note distinctly that all issues that produce excessive pressure are those which require services from Water Heating Direct.
Supply Line Leak
The supply tubes to and from your water heater are potential leak origins. As such, pipes need a secure connection to stop leaks, all decay within the seal may lead water to leak over surface tops or about your water heaters. To ensure no issues arise, inspect your supply tubes or links for rust minimally once each year.
Water Heater Drain
The drainage of your water heaters is a more frequent point of breakage that leads to leaks. The drain removes the water from your water heaters to prevent scale deposits upon the internal sections of tanks.
In some cases, the gasket, which may hold the water within the tanks upon the shut drains, may thin down, gradually causing leaks. Factoring in the locations of the drains, make sure to pay attention to replacements or repairs to ensure vast volumes of water are drained out from your residence.
Tank Rust
As water heaters are composed of metal, these may slowly corrode over, resulting in leaks. While water heaters are installed with meters to assist in gradually easing corrosion, it might persistently happen, supposing your water heater is well aged.