5 Tips For Saving Money And Energy With Electric Water Heaters

When it comes to your home, an electric water heater is the heart of your daily comfort. It ensures you have hot water for showers, dishes, and more. But if it's not running efficiently, it can cost a lot, just like a dripping faucet wastes water. That's why finding ways to improve your water heater can save you money and help the planet. Just as you switch off lights to save electricity, tweaking your water heater can reduce energy use.

Tip 1: Set the Right Temperature for Savings

One simple way to cut costs with electric water heaters is by setting the right temperature. Many heaters are set higher than they need to be. You can save energy if you turn the temperature down just a little. It's like wearing a sweater instead of turning up the heat. A good temperature to aim for is around 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This is warm enough for showers and washing but won't make your heater work too hard.

Tip 2: Insulate Your Electric Water Heater

Another tip is to give your water heater a cozy blanket—insulation. Like you stay warm with a jacket on, insulating your water heater keeps the heat in. This means it doesn't have to work as hard to keep the water hot, which saves energy. At most hardware stores, you can find special blankets made just for water heaters. It's an easy update that can make a big difference. Just make sure you follow the instructions so you cover it safely.

Tip 3: Use a Timer for Efficient Heating Cycles

Putting a timer on your electric water heater is like having a smart assistant for your home's energy use. It turns the heater on when you need hot water and gives it a break when you don't. This way, you're not heating water in the middle of the night when everyone's asleep or when the house is empty during the day. You can set the timer to warm the water right before you wake up or come home. It's a simple change that can lead to big savings, like turning off the TV when no one's watching.

Tip 4: Consider a Tankless Electric Water Heater

If you're ready for an upgrade, consider switching to a tankless electric water heater. Unlike traditional ones that keep a whole tank of water hot all the time, tankless heaters warm up the water as needed. It's like a flashlight that only uses power when you turn it on. Going tankless means you're not paying to keep water warm when no one uses it. This can be smart for saving energy and space in your home.

Tip 5: Regular Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips

Just like you take care of your car, your electric water heater needs regular check-ups to work its best. Draining the tank once a year eliminates any sediment that can make your heater work harder. It's like clearing out clogged-up leaves in a gutter so water can flow smoothly. Also, check the pressure relief valve to ensure it's in good shape. It's an important part that keeps your heater safe, like making sure your bike's brakes are working.

If your water isn't getting hot enough, or it's taking a long time to reheat, these could be signs that your heater needs a little help. Sometimes, it's as simple as resetting the system, or it might be time to call a professional if you need help with what to do. Keeping your heater in good shape can prevent problems and keep it running efficiently for years.