How To Fix Air In Water Lines

 How To Fix Air In Water Lines

Plumbing is often one of those things that you rarely think about when your water is flowing right, and the sinks are working. However, when something goes wrong, you realize that an entire system is running behind your walls and under your floors. People call plumbers for many things concerning the water system in houses, and one common one is noisy pipes in the walls. While noisy pipes could indicate something serious, they are usually the first sign of air in water lines. So, why is it essential to get the air out of your water lines? How do you fix the air in the water lines?

Why Is It Important to Get Air Out of Your Water Lines?

When the air gets into your pipes, the likelihood that it will cause significant damage is low, but it is there. However, it does cause other problems that make it annoying, like:

  • Excessive and loud noises that come from your walls.
  • Weaker water flow from your faucets, especially your showers, results from decreased water pressure.
  • Inconsistent water flow or spluttering faucets.
  • Corrosion and rusting in severe cases—this is the most impactful damage from the air in your water lines. 

The specific order of incidents or the exact impact of air in your water lines can be difficult or even impossible to specify. 

How Do You Fix the Air in The Water Lines?

  • Turn Off Your Main Valve

Every plumbing system has a main valve to turn off all the water supply into the house. The valve should look star-shaped or circular and metallic, like the one on your garden hose. If you cannot find the main valve or it refuses to turn, you must not try to force it in case you cause more harm. If your valve calcifies over time, you will need to call a professional to help

  • Turn On All Your Faucets

The next step is turning all your faucets and taps on and letting all the water flow out. It would be best to turn them halfway and not to full pressure; you only want the water in the lines to escape. You will also need to turn on any other appliance connected to the plumbing system, including the washing machine, dishwasher, and shower. The order for this process starts with the faucets and appliances closest to the valve and then moves to those farthest away. Ensure that you do not turn them off after they run dry.

  • Wait, And Then Flush the Toilets

After turning all the faucets on, please wait for them to run dry. This will take as long as the water is still in the pipes. Then, flush all the toilets in the house until there is no more water. 

  • Turn the Main Valve Back On

After taking all the steps, turn on the main valve again and let the water run from the faucets for about ten to fifteen minutes. Also, run the dishwasher and other appliances using water, and flush the toilet again. You should only stop when a steady stream flows out of all the faucets, and the pipes should be silent. 

If you have spotted signs of air in your water lines, contact your local plumber to resolve the issue.