How To Prevent Water Heater Flood

How To Prevent Water Heater Flood

In our modern society, having a water heater is a true blessing – we can have nice hot water at a moment’s notice, all from a compact and efficient heater unit. However, should that water heater malfunction one day, the water could come gushing out and filling our homes in what’s known as a water heater flood. If you’re looking for an explanation and tips on how to prevent water heater flood, here are a few key points to keep in mind.

What is a Water Heater Flood?

As the name might suggest, a water heater flood occurs when water flows quickly out of a water heater to fill the room that it is in. Water heater floods tend to occur very swiftly, since water is kept within the water heater tank at a high pressure.

Since water heaters are built to contain and heat dozens of gallons of water, having a large volume of hot water flowing rapidly into a room would be a truly terrible experience. For instance, if your water heater is located upstairs, a water heater flood could not only flood the room it’s in, but also leak through your floors and ceilings into the rooms below. Furthermore, the pressurized state of the water in the heater tank means that even more water could spill out than expected, making it all the more important to spot the warning signs of water heater floods before they occur.

Why do Water Heater Floods Occur?

Water heater floods occur due to the large volume of water sent to and contained within each water heater unit. Although water heaters usually have a small drain pan below them, these pans cannot hold much dripping water. If the water heater experiences severe mechanical failure, the pressurized water within the tank can spray up to several feet away. Depending on where your water heater is located in your house, sometimes you may not even be aware of the flood occurring until you enter that room.

How to Prevent Water Heater Flood

The first tip we suggest for preventing water heater floods is to regularly check for corrosion at your water heater’s joints and connection points. If you notice any white powder or residue on the joints, get in touch with a reputable water heater professional right away for further advice – those joints could become a future point of failure if left unchecked.

Another part of your water heater to check is the drain pan below the heater. If there is any water in the drain pan, it could mean that some part of your water heater is leaking. By acting quickly to fix the leak before it develops into a far more serious issue like a water heater flood, you’ll save a lot of money and experience greater peace of mind in the long run.

By staying aware of what a water heater flood looks like, why they occur, and some key warning signs to look out for, you’ll be well-prepared should you ever need to manage water heater issues in future. We hope these tips have been helpful!