Should You Replace Your Water Heater Before It Fails?

 Should You Replace Your Water Heater Before It Fails?

Every appliance has a  life span, and so do your water heaters. They also get worn out with time and must be replaced with new ones. Since water heaters do not come with a fixed expiry date, in cases of a sudden failure, we have to face many problems like distress, unplanned expenditure, and at times greater loss (If it bursts and induces water damage), etc.

If your water heater fails abruptly, you would have to replace it or repair it immediately, or it may hamper your daily routine. Therefore, a timely replacement is the best option. But the major question is, "when should I replace my water heater before it fails"? To get an appropriate answer, you must know and understand how water heaters work  first.

Water Heater Types

Traditional water heaters can be divided into two main types, those with a storage tank and those without a storage tank. The first is a storage water heater, and the second is an instant water heater.

In storage water heaters, a storage tank is provided where water gets heated, and we can use it when needed. The instant water heaters, as is evident from their name, heat the water instantly through the electric coil or gas burner. Therefore, they do not have any storage tanks.

If your water heater is more than a decade-old, it may start showing signs of wear and tear. You may then start to wonder, "Should I change my water heater before it fails?"  As the tank of a storage heater always contains water, it is more susceptible to leaks, sedimentation, and rust, among other factors.

Thus an instant water heater generally has a longer lifespan than a storage water heater. But you have to be careful about certain signs which indicate that your water heater is failing.

Some of such signs include:

Change in Water Temperature

If the heater takes more time to heat the water or the water temperature remains lower than usual, it is a clear indication that the heater is heading toward failure. If the electric coil or gas burner has any issues, the problem can be resolved by changing the defective part.

Change in Water Color

If the water heater is giving dirty water, it indicates some sedimentation of dirt, debris, or rust at the bottom of the storage tank, and it is the right time to replace the water heater.

Strange Noises

If the heater is producing unfamiliar noises like popping or cracking, it indicates that the sediments at the bottom have hardened and will shortly result in cracks and leaks. We should consider a replacement of the heater before a real problem arises.

Visible Damage

If the unit is old and visible signs of damage like cracks and rust have started appearing on its joints and surface, it is high time you consider a replacement.


A leak in the water heater indicates a malfunctioning pressure relief valve or a damaged storage tank. The malfunctioning valve can be replaced by any professional. But if the problem persists, it indicates that an immediate replacement of the water heater is needed.

A timely pre-emptive replacement of the water heater before it fails has many benefits. You get ample time for market research and gathering information about the latest models. You can also avoid an emergency water heater replacement,  preventing damage or disaster. Furthermore, a timely water heater can also help you save money. Our highly experienced consultants are always at your disposal to answer any questions you may have regarding your water heaters.