What You Need to Know About Water Conditioning


Most people are not aware of the function of water conditioners. Some are entirely oblivious to the effectiveness of water conditioning systems to get rid of harmful chemicals in the water, which render tap water unsafe to drink. If you face the problem of hardness minerals deposit on the surface of your water heating systems, pipes, and other appliances, water conditioning would be an excellent treatment to consider. However, it is always a good idea to research the advantages of the systems you want to install.

This article explains the difference between water softeners and water conditioners. Then, it elaborates on the different water conditioning systems. Finally, it lays lists the benefits of using water conditioning systems.

It Is Different from a Water Softener

A water softener removes hardness particles like calcium and magnesium from your water supply. It also removes scale deposits in pipes and appliances. Additionally, with water softeners, you can reduce the amount of total detergent and soap usage. It will also prevent your skin from drying after washing.

On the other hand, water conditioners change the chemicals to reduce the hardness of the ions only for a certain amount of time, which prevents buildup until the chemistry of the particles reverts to normal. It also eliminates additional chemicals like chlorine from water and causes less water wastage than softeners.

Water Conditioning Mechanism of Action

It is important to remember that water conditioning does not eliminate the particles from your water supply. Instead, it simply conditions the water by changing its chemistry.

It covers a broad range of technologies and products, some of which are listed below:

  • Magnetic Water Treatment: The idea is to pass the hard water through magnetic fields, which will prevent the formation of ion buildups.
  • Template-assisted crystallization: It converts the hardness particles to microscopic scale-resistant crystals, using resin beads treated the surface. Agitation is created by fluidizing the polymeric beads, which causes crystallization. Once the crystals are released from the beads, they no longer stick to the surface of pipes or water heaters.
  • Capacitive deionization: This system can easily remove the hardness ion deposits through electricity. Using an electrode or a cathode will make the ions move towards it.
  • Electrically induced precipitation: The precipitates or the hard particles, magnesium, and calcium form a soft layer at the bottom of heating systems surfaces, which is easy to remove by using fast-flowing water.

Do We Recommend a Water Conditioner?

Water conditioners are 90% effective. The water conditioner will eliminate the hardness minerals from the surface of your appliances, which will prevent corrosion.  The reduced hardness of water will also prevent the yellowing of fabrics, graying, and dinginess. If you feel it is tough to get rid of soil build-up on clothes, it might also result from washing clothes with hard water, and water conditioners can help with that.

Furthermore, water conditioners will also remove viruses, bacteria, harmful chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, chlorine from the water and make tap water safer to drink.

If you want more tips on how to care for your commercial water heaters, feel free to contact  Water Heating Direct or browse through the various water heater technologies on Water Heating Direct’s website.