Water Heater Solutions For Medical Facilities

It is essential for outpatient and urgent care medical facilities to have a functioning water heating system. Hot water plays a big part in the sterilization of medical equipment and when the supply is disrupted, operations within the facility can halt. Held to the strictest standards of safety and hygiene, medical facilities cannot afford to neglect their water heating system.

If you are looking for a reliable commercial water heater solution for your medical facility, look no further than Water Heating Direct. We can provide water heating system installation, inspections, and maintenance for medical facilities. No project is too big or small for us and you can be sure of getting only the best when you engage our services.

Importance of Water Heaters for Medical Facilities

Having a hot water supply is paramount for medical facilities. Below are some reasons why:

  • Sterilizing and sanitizing medical equipment: Hot water is able to kill bacteria much more effectively than cold water. In fact, just washing something with cold water does not necessarily mean it has been sterilized. As such, having a functioning water heating system is crucial to the daily operations of medical facilities.
  • Washing and wiping down surfaces and floors: The above is true when it comes to cleaning surfaces and floors as well. At the end of the day and as often as every few hours, medical facilities have to wipe down all high-contact touch points to ensure the highest standards of hygiene. A water heating system makes this process much more efficient.

Water Heater Installation Services for Medical Facilities

Are you looking for a water heater solution for your medical facility? Does your current one has to be repaired every few years or breaks down regularly? If so, the Brigade water heater system is the answer you are looking for. It is ultra-compact and modular, with two units taking up only 6 square feet in space. This is in addition to all its connections going on top, freeing up space for other pieces of equipment to fit around it. Specially designed for commercial application and weighing only 340 lbs, installation costs can be kept low for this reason.

Water Heater Annual Inspection and Maintenance for Medical Facilities

Our job does not end after your water heater is installed. Annual inspections and maintenance will be required to keep it in tiptop form and prevent any potential problems from cropping up. Such problems can incur a long downtime and higher costs if not attend to timely. At Water Heating Direct, our team of professional technicians can detect and resolve problems including blockage, rust and more.

Why Should Medical Facilities Work with Water Heating Direct?

Water Heating Direct specializes in installing and inspecting water heating systems for medical facilities. When you first come to us for a free consultation, we will connect you to a qualified Building Systems Engineer who will take you through every step of the process. In addition, your first year of using the Brigade water heater system comes with free servicing and parts, completely on us! You do not have to worry if you encounter any problems as our team of experts are available to provide customer support round the clock.

If you are interested to learn more about our water heater installation and maintenance services for medical facilities, please feel free to contact us today.