Ways To Reduce Your Restaurant’s Water Bill

Operating a restaurant in a major city can be expensive, and research from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) suggests that the water used by dining establishments throughout the U.S. accounts for almost fifteen percent of annual national water usage. Below are some tips that will help restaurateurs reduce their restaurant water bill.
Always Use Energy Star Compliant Equipment
Appliances that carry the Energy Star label are designed and confirmed to provide increased energy efficiency. Studies show that switching from non-Energy Star appliances can conserve both energy and water usage from ten to twenty percent. Over the long run, this translates into huge savings and aside from kitchen appliances, appliances in the restrooms should also use them.
Don’t Use Water for Thawing Frozen Food
Frozen food must be extracted early to provide it with enough time for thawing. Not only will running water over it lead to a higher water bill and wastage but the quality of the food will also be compromised. It is much better to utilize a thawing rack where the food will thaw out naturally.
When Using The Dishwater, Always Wash Complete Racks
Your cleaning crew should be instructed to always wash complete racks when using the dishwasher because every cycle utilizes water, chemicals, and energy. During slow periods, give the dirty dishes time to stack up neatly, and consider the option of composting, because placing scraps within the compost bucket will conserve water plus businesses which utilize a composting procedure may obtain extra “green” credentials for their eco-friendly operation.
Always Deactivate Faucets Not in Use And Repair Leaks Promptly
While this might sound like common sense, statistics from the FSTC (Food Service Technology Center) have found that each year huge amounts of water are wasted by faucets that are left on longer than they need to be. Specifically, running a faucet nonstop for even five minutes uses the same amount of energy as a sixty-watt light bulb that is left on for fourteen hours! And even a small leak for 0.2 gallons every minute will waste the equivalent of one hundred thousand gallons within a year which translates into thousands of dollars for gas, water, and sewage costs. Your restaurant should be periodically inspected for leaks because they can be difficult to detect.
Install Thermometers
The purpose of installing a thermometer is to ensure the water heaters in your restaurant aren’t working harder than they need to be because if they are this will decrease their service life. Ideally, the hot water which is emitted from the faucet shouldn’t be any higher than one hundred and forty degrees Fahrenheit. If the water heater malfunctions and restaurant workers or customers sustain skin burns due to scalding water which came out of the faucet, you could be held legally liable.
Only Offer Water to Customers If They Request It
In the past restaurants served complimentary water freely, but this practice should be avoided to conserve your monthly water bill. In fact, it is actually illegal for restaurants in California to offer water to patrons unless they request it.