What Are the Most Common Signs of Water Heater Failures?


A little maintenance or a robust water heater goes a long way when it comes to water heaters. However, it is, first of all, crucial to identify water heater failures to start considering a replacement or a repair. Some water heater failures can result in insufficient hot water. Others can be hazardous to your safety. If you spot a problem with your water heater, it is highly advisable to get it fixed, repaired, or replaces as soon as possible. This article lists the four signs of water heater failures and tells you how to spot them.

  • Lack of Sufficient Hot Water

If your water is lukewarm or takes a long time to heat up, it might be a sign of water heater failure. The standard storage tank can contain 30 to 50 gallons of water. When an electric source or a gas heats the water, the water settles at the tank's base. Over time, the hardness minerals build up and deposit a layer of hardness minerals that separate the water from the burner. This only means less heat can reach the water, making your showers colder and colder. The thicker the layer of deposit, the harder your tank has to work to heat the water. Eventually, the heater will start leaking or cease to operate altogether.

If you want to know when is the right time to change a commercial water heater, feel free to contact Water Heating Direct.

  • A Faulty Relief Pressure

It is vital to pay close attention to your water heater’s pressure relief valve. A failed water relief system can be catastrophic. The steam build-up inside the tank is released by the valve, which prevents a possible explosion. However, once the valve starts malfunctioning, the water in the tank can exceed the boiling point, expanding into steam and bursting out behind the tank, propelling it through multiple floors like a rocket. This will not only cause extensive damage to your property but also lead to serious personal injury.

  • Rumbling and Popping Noises

Noises inside the water heater also indicate water heater failure. If you hear rumbling, creaking, popping inside your water heater, it is time to browse through new water heater products. Mineral deposits caused by hard water also play a role in causing the rumbling noises inside water heaters. The hard particles form a layer of sediment, which clings to the surface of appliances. The popping noises are caused by the layer boiling inside the tank.   

  • Murky Water
If you notice cloudy water and detect a metallic taste or scent in your tap water, it might be a sign of failed water heating. Hardness mineral deposits can give the hot water a cloudy appearance if it travels out of the water heater. The funky metallic smell is caused by the magnesium and calcium ions contained in hard water. Additionally, these materials can clog the faucets, which control the flow of water. They can also erode the bottom surface of water heaters, tinting the water reddish or cloudy orange.